Community Planning for Climate Change

Nature always bats last, so responses to climate change like building higher seawalls are expensive, brittle and vulnerable to further climate impacts. The NWF has put together a guide for how communities can work with nature to prepare for climate change.


Do you want to know the best ways to mitigate the urban heat island effect in your city or community? Or how to be kind to your wetlands to reduce storm surge flooding? Is your community thinking about creating a climate adaptation plan for the first time? This practical guide is for you!


  • Vulnerability assessments should include built infrastructure, transportation, and natural systems as well as water resources and human health.
  • Non-structural, nature based approaches are more resilient than hard infrastructure that can be washed away by the next record storm.
  • Nature-based approaches combined with grey (or more flexible) infrastructure can reduce the vulnerability of people and built infrastructure.
  • Well-planned urban landscapes can reduce carbon pollution, provide wildlife habitat and make your city greener and more enjoyable to live in.
  • Use land use planning to direct new development away from climate vulnerable areas and incentivise development in climate resilient areas.
  • Acquire and protect land in areas at high risk for repetitive floods and storms. 



image: Amy Huva (cc) 

Date: 2014
Strategic Approach: Other
Strategic Approach: Other

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